Thursday, November 10, 2011

State of Consciousness

Scientists have long debated what constitutes consciousness in people thought to be in persistent vegetative states (PVS).   Now, a cheap and mobile EEG device has been developed that has detected signs of consciousness in three people thought to be in PVS.   The device uses electrodes placed on the scalp to sense electrical activity in the brain.

Researchers tested the device out on 16 patients and out of those 16, three patients showed activity when given a command.  When told to wiggle their toes, activity showed in the region that controlled that action.  It clearly showed that they understood and could respond accordingly.

What a break-through in being able to communicate with patients and have them actively involved in their own therapies.   From there, a brain-computer interface might even give patients even greater ability to communicate skills via a computer with a brain controlled cursor.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...does that mean that those three people are conscious and thinking normally but couldn't get their body to move? That is the ultimate nightmare!
